一、基本架構 | |||
國際期刊 | 國内經濟管理類期刊 | 國内相關領域期刊 | |
A+ | 46種 | / | / |
頂級期刊 | 注1 | ||
A | 204種 | 4種 | / |
高端期刊 | 管理科學(33) | 《中國社會科學》 | |
管理信息系統(27) | 《經濟研究》 | ||
市場(18) | 《管理世界》 | ||
會計(11) | 《管理科學學報》 | ||
金融(18) | |||
經濟(50) | |||
管理(綜合)(47) | |||
注2 | |||
B+ | 以上未列出的最新SCI和SSCI來源期刊 | 10種 | / |
權威期刊 | 注4 | ||
B | / | 36種 | 31種 |
資深期刊 | 注5 | ||
C+ | 其他外文學術類期刊 | 以上未列出的最新CSSCI和CSCD來源期刊 | |
重要期刊 | 注3 | ||
C | / | 以上未列出的最新北大中文核心期刊 | |
核心期刊 | |||
注1:由UT/DALLAS和FT兩種目錄組成。前者是評估美國前100所商學院研究能力的24種頂級期刊 (由美國得克薩斯大學達拉斯分校發布,簡稱UT/DALLAS),後者是英國金融時報發布的45種經濟管理類頂級學術期刊(簡稱FT)。 | |||
注2:“管理(綜合)”涵蓋組織管理、人力資源管理、戰略管理,以及旅遊管理等。 “管理科學”包含運作管理、“管理信息系統”包含知識管理等内容。 | |||
注3:EI收錄期刊也在C+。 | |||
注4:國家自然科學基金委管理學部認定30種重要期刊,以及CSSCI經濟學排序前25名的期刊, 另加上綜合類的《中國社會科學》,合計50種。其中,選出4種入選A,另選10種入選B+,其餘36種為B。 | |||
注5:以天津大學方案為模闆,删除4種工科期刊,增加8種社科期刊及1種綜合期刊。 |
二、國際期刊A+類(按字母順序排列) | ||
序号 | 等級 | 國際期刊A+類 |
1 | A+ | Academy of Management Journal |
2 | A+ | Academy of Management Perspectives |
3 | A+ | Academy of Management Review |
4 | A+ | Accounting, Organisations and Society |
5 | A+ | Accounting Review |
6 | A+ | Administrative Science Quarterly |
7 | A+ | American Economic Review |
8 | A+ | Econometrica |
9 | A+ | California Management Review |
10 | A+ | Contemporary Accounting Research |
11 | A+ | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice |
12 | A+ | Harvard Business Review |
13 | A+ | Human Resource Management |
14 | A+ | Information Systems Research |
15 | A+ | Journal of Accounting and Economics |
16 | A+ | Journal of Accounting Research |
17 | A+ | Journal of Applied Psychology |
18 | A+ | Journal of Business Ethics |
19 | A+ | Journal of Business Venturing |
20 | A+ | Journal of Consumer Psychology |
21 | A+ | Journal of Consumer Research |
22 | A+ | Journal of Finance |
23 | A+ | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis |
24 | A+ | Journal of Financial Economics |
25 | A+ | Journal of International Business Studies |
26 | A+ | Journal of Management Studies |
27 | A+ | Journal of Marketing |
28 | A+ | Journal of Marketing Research |
29 | A+ | Journal of Operations Management |
30 | A+ | Journal of the American Statistical Association |
31 | A+ | Journal on Computing |
32 | A+ | Journal of Political Economy |
33 | A+ | Management Science |
34 | A+ | Manufacturing and Service Operations Management |
35 | A+ | Marketing Science |
36 | A+ | MIS Quarterly |
37 | A+ | Operations Research |
38 | A+ | Organization Science |
39 | A+ | Organization Studies |
40 | A+ | Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes |
41 | A+ | Production and Operations Management |
42 | A+ | Quarterly Journal of Economics |
43 | A+ | Rand Journal of Economics |
44 | A+ | Review of Accounting Studies |
45 | A+ | Review of Financial Studies |
46 | A+ | Strategic Management Journal? |
三、國際期刊A類(同一類内,按字母順序排列) | ||
序号 | 等級 | Management Science(管理科學) |
1 | A | Advances in Applied Probability? |
2 | A | Annals of Operations Research |
3 | A | Annals of Statistics? |
4 | A | Decision Sciences |
5 | A | Energy Journal |
6 | A | European Journal of Operational Research |
7 | A | IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management(Regular papers) |
8 | A | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (Regular papers) |
9 | A | IIE Transactions |
10 | A | Interfaces |
11 | A | International Journal of Forecasting |
12 | A | International Journal of Operations & Production Management |
13 | A | International Journal of Production Economics |
14 | A | International Journal of Production Research |
15 | A | Journal of Forecasting |
16 | A | Journal of Product Innovation Management |
17 | A | Journal of Scheduling |
18 | A | Journal of the Operational Research Society |
19 | A | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, B |
20 | A | Journal of Transport Economics and Policy |
21 | A | Mathematical Programming |
22 | A | Mathematics of Operations Research |
23 | A | Naval Research Logistics |
24 | A | Omega-International Journal of Management Science |
25 | A | Production Planning & Control |
26 | A | R & D Management |
27 | A | Reliability Engineering & System Safety |
28 | A | Risk Analysis |
29 | A | Supply Chain Management-An International Journal |
30 | A | Technological Forecasting and Social Change |
31 | A | Technovation |
32 | A | Transportation Research: Part A, B, C, D, E |
33 | A | Transportation Science |
序号 | 等級 | Management Information System(管理信息系統) |
1 | A | ACM Computing Surveys |
2 | A | ACM Transactions on Database Systems? |
3 | A | ACM Transactions on Information Systems |
4 | A | ACM Transactions on Software Engineering |
5 | A | Advanced Engineering Informatics |
6 | A | Advances in Complex Systems |
7 | A | Artificial Intelligence? |
8 | A | Communications of the ACM? |
9 | A | Complexity |
10 | A | Computers & Operations Research |
11 | A | Decision Sciences |
12 | A | Decision Support Systems |
13 | A | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence |
14 | A | European Journal of Information Systems? |
15 | A | IEEE Transactions on Computers |
16 | A | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering |
17 | A | IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering |
18 | A | Information Processing & Management? |
19 | A | Information Systems |
20 | A | International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing |
21 | A | International Journal of Electronic Commerce? |
22 | A | Journal of Information Technology? |
23 | A | Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing |
24 | A | Journal of Management Information Systems? |
25 | A | Knowledge Engineering Review |
26 | A | Knowledge-based Systems |
27 | A | Physical Review? E |
序号 | 等級 | Marketing(市場) |
1 | A | European Journal of Marketing |
2 | A | Industrial Marketing Management |
3 | A | International Journal of Research in Marketing |
4 | A | Journal of Advertising |
5 | A | Journal of Advertising Research? |
6 | A | Journal of Business Research? |
7 | A | Journal of Consumer Affairs |
8 | A | Journal of Global Marketing |
9 | A | Journal of Interactive Marketing |
10 | A | Journal of International Marketing |
11 | A | Journal of Macromarketing |
12 | A | Journal of Marketing Management |
13 | A | Journal of Public Policy & Marketing? |
14 | A | Journal of Retailing? |
15 | A | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science |
16 | A | Marketing Letters |
17 | A | Psychology and Marketing? |
18 | A | Public Opinion Quarterly? |
序号 | 等級 | Accounting (會計) |
1 | A | Abacus - A Journal of Accounting Finance and Business Studies |
2 | A | Accounting & Business Research |
3 | A | Accounting and Finance |
4 | A | Accounting Horizons |
5 | A | Auditing-A Journal of Practice and Theory |
6 | A | European Accounting Review? |
7 | A | Financial Management? |
8 | A | Journal of Accounting and Public Policy? |
9 | A | Journal of Business Finance and Accounting? |
10 | A | Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting? |
11 | A | Management Accounting Research? |
序号 | 等級 | Finance(金融) |
1 | A | European Journal of Finance? |
2 | A | Financial Analysts Journal? |
3 | A | Financial Management? |
4 | A | Journal of Banking & Finance? |
5 | A | Journal of Corporate Finance? |
6 | A | Journal of Empirical Finance? |
7 | A | Journal of Financial Intermediation |
8 | A | Journal of Financial Markets |
9 | A | Journal of Financial Services Research? |
10 | A | Journal of Futures Markets? |
11 | A | Journal of International Money and Finance |
12 | A | Journal of Money, Credit & Banking |
13 | A | Journal of Portfolio Management |
14 | A | Journal of Risk & Insurance? |
15 | A | Mathematical Finance? |
16 | A | Pacific Basin Finance Journal? |
17 | A | Quantitative Finance |
18 | A | Review of Finance |
序号 | 等級 | Economics(經濟) |
1 | A | Brookings Papers on Economic Activity? |
2 | A | Cambridge Journal of Economics |
3 | A | Canadian Journal of Economics |
4 | A | China Economic Review |
5 | A | Ecological Economics |
6 | A | Economic History Review |
7 | A | Economic Geography |
8 | A | Economic Inquiry |
9 | A | Economic Journal? |
10 | A | Economic Policy |
11 | A | Economic Theory |
12 | A | Economica |
13 | A | Economics Letters |
14 | A | Energy Economics |
15 | A | Energy Policy |
16 | A | European Economic Review |
17 | A | Games and Economic Behavior |
18 | A | International Economic Review |
19 | A | International Journal of Industrial Organization |
20 | A | Journal of Agricultural Economics |
21 | A | Journal of Applied Econometrics |
22 | A | Journal of Comparative Economics |
23 | A | Journal of Development Economics |
24 | A | Journal of Econometrics? |
25 | A | Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control |
26 | A | Journal of Economics & Management Strategy |
27 | A | Journal of Economic Growth |
28 | A | Journal of Economic Literature |
29 | A | Journal of Economic Perspectives |
30 | A | Journal of Economic Theory? |
31 | A | Journal of Environmental Economics and Management |
32 | A | Journal of Health Economics |
33 | A | Journal of International Economics |
34 | A | Journal of Industrial Economics |
35 | A | Journal of Labor Economics |
36 | A | Journal of Law and Economics |
37 | A | Journal of Macroeconomics |
38 | A | Journal of Monetary Economics |
39 | A | Journal of Public Economics |
40 | A | Journal of Urban Economics |
41 | A | Land Economics |
42 | A | Oxford Economics Papers |
43 | A | Pacific Economic Review? |
44 | A | Public Choice |
45 | A | Regional Science & Urban Economics |
46 | A | Review of Economic Studies? |
47 | A | Review of Economics & Statistics? |
48 | A | Southern Economic Journal |
49 | A | World Bank Economic Review |
50 | A | World Economy |
序号 | 等級 | General Management(管理(綜合)) |
1 | A | Academy of Management Executive? |
2 | A | Annals of Tourism Research |
3 | A | British Journal of Industrial Relations? |
4 | A | China Quarterly |
5 | A | European Journal of Industrial Relations |
6 | A | Group & Organization Management |
7 | A | Human Performance? |
8 | A | Human Relations |
9 | A | Human Resource Management Journal |
10 | A | Industrial & Labor Relations Review |
11 | A | Industrial Relations? |
12 | A | International Business Review? |
13 | A | International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management |
14 | A | International Journal of Hospitality Management |
15 | A | International Journal of Human Resource Management? |
16 | A | International Journal of Industrial Organization? |
17 | A | International Journal of Selection and Assessment |
18 | A | Journal of Applied Behavioral Science? |
19 | A | Journal of Business Research |
20 | A | Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology |
21 | A | Journal of Forecasting? |
22 | A | Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research |
23 | A | Journal of Human Resources |
24 | A | Journal of International Management |
25 | A | Journal of Management |
26 | A | Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology |
27 | A | Journal of Organizational Behavior |
28 | A | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology |
29 | A | Journal of Sustainable Tourism |
30 | A | journal of travel research |
31 | A | Journal of Vocational Behavior |
32 | A | Journal of World Business |
33 | A | Leadership Quarterly |
34 | A | Leisure Science |
35 | A | Long Range Planning |
36 | A | Management International Review? |
37 | A | MIT Sloan Management Review |
38 | A | Organization |
39 | A | Organizational Dynamics |
40 | A | Organizational Research Methods |
41 | A | Personnel Psychology |
42 | A | Research in Organizational Behavior |
43 | A | Research Policy |
44 | A | Theory, Culture & Society? |
45 | A | Tourism Management |
46 | A | Work and Occupations |
47 | A | Work Employment and Society |
四、國内經濟管理類期刊(同一級内,排序不分前後) | ||
序号 | 等級 | 期刊 |
1 | A | 中國社會科學 |
2 | A | 經濟研究 |
3 | A | 管理世界 |
4 | A | 管理科學學報 |
5 | B+ | 南開管理評論 |
6 | B+ | 世界經濟 |
7 | B+ | 中國工業經濟 |
8 | B+ | 金融研究 |
9 | B+ | 會計研究 |
10 | B+ | 系統工程理論與實踐 |
11 | B+ | 中國軟科學 |
12 | B+ | 經濟學(季刊) |
13 | B+ | 科研管理 |
14 | B+ | 中國管理科學 |
15 | B | 數量經濟技術經濟研究 |
16 | B | 系統工程學報 |
17 | B | 系統管理學報 |
18 | B | 管理評論 |
19 | B | 管理工程學報 |
20 | B | 情報學報 |
21 | B | 公共管理學報 |
22 | B | 管理科學 |
23 | B | 預測 |
24 | B | 運籌與管理 |
25 | B | 科學學研究 |
26 | B | 農業經濟問題 |
27 | B | 管理學報 |
28 | B | 工業工程與管理 |
29 | B | 系統工程 |
30 | B | 科學學與科學技術管理 |
31 | B | 研究與發展管理 |
32 | B | 中國人口·資源與環境 |
33 | B | 數理統計與管理 |
34 | B | 中國農村經濟 |
35 | B | 經濟科學 |
36 | B | 财經研究 |
37 | B | 中國農村觀察 |
38 | B | 國際金融研究 |
39 | B | 國際經濟評論 |
40 | B | 世界經濟文彙 |
41 | B | 财貿經濟 |
42 | B | 南開經濟研究 |
43 | B | 世界經濟研究 |
44 | B | 經濟學家 |
45 | B | 經濟理論與經濟管理 |
46 | B | 國際貿易問題 |
47 | B | 經濟評論 |
48 | B | 審計研究 |
49 | B | 當代經濟科學 |
50 | B | 經濟學動态 |
C+ | 以上未列出的最新CSSCI和CSCD來源期刊 | |
C | 以上未列出的最新北大中文核心期刊 | |
五、國内相關期刊(排序不分前後) | ||
序号 | 等級 | 期刊 |
1 | B | 人民日報理論版 |
2 | B | 光明日報理論版 |
3 | B | 新華文摘非摘要性轉載的論文 |
4 | B | 中國社會科學文摘非摘要性轉載的論文 |
5 | B | 中國科學 |
6 | B | 科學通報 |
7 | B | 控制與決策 |
8 | B | 系統科學與數學 |
9 | B | 運籌學學報 |
10 | B | 控制理論與應用 |
11 | B | 數學年刊 |
12 | B | 數學學報 |
13 | B | 數學物理學報 |
14 | B | 物理學報 |
15 | B | 機械工程學報 |
16 | B | 計算機集成制造系統 |
17 | B | 計算機學報 |
18 | B | 軟件學報 |
19 | B | 求是 |
20 | B | 哲學研究 |
21 | B | 政治學研究 |
22 | B | 心理學報 |
23 | B | 社會學研究 |
24 | B | 中國人民大學學報? |
25 | B | 北京大學學報(哲學社會科學版)? |
26 | B | 學術月刊 |
27 | B | 世界經濟與政治 |
28 | B | 法學研究 |
29 | B | 教育研究 |
30 | B | 旅遊學刊 |
31 | B | 經濟地理 |
C+ | 以上未列出的最新CSSCI和CSCD來源期刊 | |
C | 以上未列出的最新北大中文核心期刊 | |