報告主題:Stochastic and multi-criteria optimization forremanufacturing industry
報告人:Chu Feng教授
主持人:鄭斐峰 教授
End-of-Life (EOL)products disassembly in remanufacturing, such as automobile, mobile phone, etc, has received extensive attention in recent years owing to their advantages in saving non-renewable resources,protecting the environment and promoting economic growth. In the existing literature, 1) most of stochastic disassembly line balancing problems assume that the probability distributions of uncertain parameters are known; 2) majority of disassembly line balancing problems focus on single product; 3) few works study the disassembly line balancing related reverse supply chain (RSC) design problems. To reduce these research gaps, three new disassembly line balancing related problems are investigated. Firstly, a single product disassembly line balancing problem(DLBP) with partial information of task processing times is studied. Secondly, a new stochastic multi-product DLBP with uncertain task processing time is addressed. Finally, a novel multi-product disassembly line balancing related RSC design problem is investigated, where EOL products supply, components demand and task processing times are assumed to be uncertain.
Chu Feng(儲鳳)教授是法國國家特II級教授,巴黎薩克雷大學IBISC實驗室AROBAS研究團隊負責人,QLIO Department系主任。法國教育部科技精英獎(PES)獲得者、法國教育部優秀博導獎(PEDR) 獲得者。入選2017年福建省閩江學者、2016年四川省千人計劃、2013年安徽省首批外專百人計劃、合肥工業大學黃山學者。 現任International Journal of Production Research、IEEE Transactions Intelligent Transportation Systems、IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 副主編。
主要研究領域為運籌學,多目标優化,随機優化。應用領域為:智能交通系統管理,可持續物流供應鍊設計、優化、及風險管理,循環經濟下生産系統計劃、調度優化等。尤其在國際上率先提出并領導其研究團隊研究了智能交通系統專道設計和優化,可持續食品供應鍊設計、運行和優化,time of use tariffs背景下生産調度系統模拟和優化。其衆多前沿性研究成果被國際同行廣泛引用。圍繞上述研究領域,在國際高水平期刊上發表論文200 餘篇(包括IEEE Transactions on ITS、SMC and TASE 30 餘篇、IJPR 30 餘 篇、EJOR 10 餘篇、CIE 10 餘篇、COR 9篇、TR C&E 5 篇、OMEGA4 篇等)。在國際知名學術出版機構(IEEE/Wiley、Springer、IGI Global 等)出版多部專著。主持承擔了多項國際合作研究項目、法國中央、地方政府資助項目、中國國家自然科學基金項目。