
辦公室: 旭日樓405
研究興趣: 創新、知識管理
王雷,男,教授,博導,主要從事全球供應鍊(價值鍊)治理及跨國公司知識管理方面的研究,主持完成國家自然科學基金,國家社會科學基金,教育部人文社科項目、科技部軟科學項目等國家級、省部級項目15項,獲省級優秀社科成果三等獎兩項,出版專著四本,在Journal of Operations Management (UTD24), Journal of Business Research, International Business Review,Journal of International Management,R&D Management,《南開經濟研究》、《管理學報》、《科研管理》等國内外期刊發表論文100餘篇,多篇文章被《新華文摘》《人大複印料》全文轉載。
2013.09至今 bevictor伟德官网旭日bevictor伟德官网,教授 博導
2007.09-2013.08 bevictor伟德官网旭日bevictor伟德官网,副教授 碩導
2006.03-2007.08 bevictor伟德官网旭日bevictor伟德官网,講師
1.Wang, L﹡Zhang, C., Narayanan, S. (2023). The Bright Side of Trust-less Relationships: A Dyadic Investigation of the Role of Trust Congruence on Supplier Knowledge Acquisition Across Borders. Journal of Operations Management (UTD-24; ABS-4﹡, 2023IF: 13.03). 69(7), 1042-1077.
2.Wang, L, Zhang, C. (2023). Do emerging market MNE headquarter-subsidiary relationships foster subsidiary innovation overseas? The moderating effects of institutional distance and host country experience. Industrial Marketing Management (SSCI, ABS-3; 2023IF: 10.3). 114, 47-63.
3.Wang, L., Li, J﹡., Wang, S. (2023). Rivalling firms’ absorptive capacity congruence in coopetition relationships: the reciprocal effects on firms’ innovation performance. Knowledge Management Research & Practice (ABS-1). 21(3), 651-666.
4.Xu, Q.Q., Wang, L﹡. Huo, D., Zhu, Y. (2022). Pursuing opportunities in distance: the determinants of overseas R&D by Chinese multinationals. R&D Management (ABS-3, 2023IF: 6.5), 53(1),115-135.
5.Zhu, Y., Li, J., Wang, L﹡., Xu, Q. (2022). Chinese parent firm’s knowledge types and governance modes’ effect on overseas subsidiaries’ performance: a contingency perspective. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (ABS-2), 37(6), 1356-1372.
6.Wang, L., Zhang, C., Huo, D﹡., Li, J., Fan, X. (2020). The influence of unilateral supplier transaction-specific investments on international buyer opportunism: Empirical findings from local suppliers in China. International marketing review (ABS-3; 2018IF: 5.7), 37 (2), 213-239.
7.Wang, L﹡., Jiang, F., Li, J. Motohashi, K.Zheng, X. (2019). The Contingent Effects of Asset Specificity, Contract Specificity, and Trust on Offshore Relationship Performance. Journal of business research (ABS-3; 2023IF: 10.55), 99(3), 338-349.
8.Wang, L﹡., Zhang, C., Jiang, F., Li, J. (2019). Matching governance mechanisms with transaction-specific investment types and supplier roles: An empirical study of cross-border outsourcing relationships. International Business Review (ABS-3; 2023IF:8.4), 28(2), 316-327.
9.Wang, L., Huo, D﹡., Motohashi, K. (2019). Coordination Mechanisms and Overseas Knowledge Acquisition for Chinese Suppliers: The Contingent Impact of Production Mode and Contractual Governance. Journal of International Management (ABS-3; 2023IF: 6.4), 25(2), 1-19.
10.Xu, Q.Q., Wang, L﹡. (2019). The Effect of OFDI Intensity on TFP: The Moderating Role of R&D. Transformations in Business & Economics, (SSCI), 18 (3C), 381-393.
11.Wang, L., Li, J﹡., Huang, S. (2018). The asymmetric effects of local and global network ties on firm’s innovation performance. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (ABS-2; 2023IF: 2.961), 33(3), 377-389.
12.Wang, S., Wang, L﹡. (2018). Study on the Export Effect of China's Outward Foreign Direct Investment—An Empirical Research Based on Investment Intensity and Investment Breadth. Transformation in Business and Economics (SSCI), 16(3C), 379-396.
13.Wang, L﹡., Li, J. (2017). The antecedents and innovation outcomes of firms’ absorptive capacity in global buyer-supplier relationships. Journal of Technology Transfer (ABS-3; 2023IF: 6.78) . 42(6), 1407-1430.
14.Wang, L﹡., Terziovski, M., Jiang, F., Li, J. (2017). The effect of social capital on local suppliers’ exploitative and exploratory learning in global buyer–supplier relationships: the moderating role of contract specificity. R&D Management (ABS-3; 2023IF: 6.5), 47(4), 654-668.
15.王聖君,王雷,張悅,朱瑩. 匹配視角下創新可占性與企業創新績效關系研究. 管理評論,2023(3),125-135.
16.王雷,朱瑩,王聖君. 專用性投資類型、治理機制與海外知識獲取的關系研究科研管理. 2021, 42(1), 156-167.
17.王雷, 遠秋麗. 代工專用性投資有利于海外知識獲取嗎[J]. 科學學研究, 2017, 35(4), 574-584.
1.主持:國家自然科學基金項目(72374041): 數字技術賦能外向型制造企業跨國供應鍊韌性提升模式研究,2024-01 - 2027-12.
2.主持:國家社會科學基金重點項目子課題(23AZD017):蕊片産業供應鍊韌性和安全水平評估與對策研究, 2024-09 - 2027-12.
3.主持: 教育部人文社會科學項目(22YJAGJW006)“東道國媒體偏向對跨國公司組織聲譽的影響研究” 2022.9-2025.9
4.主持: 上海市哲學社會科學規劃一般課題(2021BGL002)“在滬先進制造業加快占據國際創新鍊高端地位研究” 2021-2022.12
5.主持: 上海市“科技創新行動計劃”軟科學重點項目(21692105200)“利用逆向跨國并購提升在滬高端制造業全球創新鍊位勢研究” 2021-2022.
6.主持: 上海市“科技創新行動計劃”軟科學重點項目(19692107100):利用海外研發提升在滬制造業創新能力研究,2019-2020.
7.主持:國家自然科學基金項目(71572032):技術尋求型對外直接投資企業海外知識獲取與反向溢出效應研究,2015-2019. 後評估為優
8.主持:國家社會科學基金項目(10CJG2010):全球價值鍊下紡織産業集群創新模式研究, 2010-2013.
10.主持:上海市哲學社會科學規模項目(2014S5D202):技術尋求型OFDI外部知識獲取與反向溢出研究, 2014-2016
擔任Research Policy (SSCI), Journal of Business Research (SSCI), Industrial Marketing Management (SSCI), Journal of International Management (SSCI), Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (SSCI), Knowledge Management Research & Practice (SSCI), Journal of Technology Transfer (SSCI), The World Economy (SSCI), 管理科學學報, 南開管理評論等國内外學術刊物審稿人。