

報告題目:Does Omnichannel Selling with Pre-Order Benefit a Retailer in the Presence of Strategic Consumers?




報告内容簡介:Retailers nowadays increasingly integrate independent selling channels, moving from the multichannel paradigm to the omnichannel paradigm. In this paper we study omnichannel selling with the pre-order option and returns policy for a retailer in the presence of strategic consumers. We show that omnichannel selling with pre-order is not necessarily beneficial to the retailer in general. We identify the thresholds for unit production cost and demand uncertainty, above which omnichannel selling with pre-order is beneficial. In addition, we derive the conditions under which omnichannel with pre-order and returns policy is favorable by the retailer, even if the returned product cannot be resold. Moreover, studying the effects of the proportion of the strategic consumers in the market, we show that under some conditions omnichannel selling with pre-order will bring more profit to the retailer when the market share of the strategic consumers increases.

報告人簡介:董慈蔚是中南财經政法大學bevictor伟德官网副教授,文瀾青年學者。他于2014年在香港理工大學商學院取得博士學位。他的研究興趣主要包括可持續運營和供應鍊管理。他的研究成果主要發表在Production and Operations Management (UT Dallas 24份商學院頂級期刊之一)International Journal of Production Economics, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society等國際頂級和權威期刊上,并有多篇文章入選ESI高被引論文。此外,他還主持包括國家自然科學基金在内的多項研究課題,并且是多個SCI/SSCI期刊的匿名審稿人。
