演講題目:On the Chain Pair Simplification Problem
主講人:朱濱海(Binhai Zhu)教授
題要:Motivated by computing and visualizing the structural resemblance between a pair of protein backbones in 3D, the Chain Pair Simplification(CPS) was proposed in 2008. In this problem, given two polygonal chains A and B, one needs to simplify them similtaneously into A' and B' such that A and A', B and B', and A' and B' are close (using the non-traditional discrete Frechet distance measure). I will illustrate the development of this research (which led to an O(n^5) time solution in 2015), and some empirical results using real datasets from the Protein Data Bank. At the end, I will introduce some variation of the problem and pose some open problems. The talk is a summary of the results presented at WADS'15 and MFCS'16.
主講人簡介:朱濱海(Binhai Zhu),1986年畢業于山東大學,1994年在加拿大麥吉爾(McGill)大學獲計算機科學博士學位,1994-1996年在美國新墨西哥州Los Alamos國家實驗室完成博士後。自1996年起他分别在香港城市大學及美國蒙大拿州立大學任教,現在為蒙大拿州立大學Gianforte計算機學院教授。朱濱海教授的研究方向為算法分析與設計(及相關應用),計算生物,計算幾何等,在相關國際刊物及國際會議上已發表180餘篇學術論文。他的研究4次得到美國NSF支持,2009年及2016年兩次獲中國國家自然科學基金海外與港澳合作研究基金(原海外傑青)支持。更多 相關信息可訪問他的個人主頁http://www.cs.montana.edu/bhz。